About me

The book will tell the story of the cycle paths that now run through and around Bristol and the people that interact with it, both as users and volunteers. In particular the Nailsea to Yate route with particular emphasis on the construction of the  Coxgrove Hill to Yate section currently underway

The paperback book will be split into chapters each telling one story of the cycle path .

The book will incorporate colour photographs and text. The imagery will be of environmental portraits as well as landscapes. The text will include introductions written by well-known people connected with the cycle path as well as transcribed interviews from those significant to it including decision makers, users, and volunteers.

There will be a major chapter on the making of the new section, and other chapters will deal with the chronological story of the cycle path in general.

Chapters are likely to include:

Art on the cycle path.

Fitness and health

How volunteering to work on the making of the path has changed peoples lives.

Environmental Impact – The book would also contain some maps to show how the cycle path had relieved congestion on the road etc.

Different groups of users such as teenagers, business people going to work, and well known local people to whom the path is important.

The history of the railway line .

Wildlife would have its own chapter.

The future would also be covered, as the options that may exist to extend in the future.

The target audience for the book would be users of the path, local historians and the public in general. The book would be in paperback and available through internet sites such as Amazon as well as through other book sellers and cycling orientated businesses in the area.


I have attached 3 maps showing the full route and sections of it In each case the green are built traffic free sections, the blue on road, and the red the subject of current endeavor.

The book will be sponsored by local authorities and businesses.